The Sinfonietta Project

While the world totally changed in the last century, classical music has been put in a museum, where you must go in specific places at specific times to listen to this type of entertainment, while new types of entertainment are consumed as part of daily life.
In this change, quantity plays a major role and we don't know how much of this music will pass the test of time.
The history of music has passed several stages of technical innovation, in which composers and musicians tried to get the most out of available technology, both in instrumentation and in composition.
The purpose of music has also changed with time, following the evolution of human philosophy.
The purpose of this project is to bring classical music back into the life of mankind, by making it more available while retaining the qualities that where filtered by so many artists through time.

What is a Sinfonietta

The definition of Sinfonietta is "a small symphony orchestra", or "a symphony of less than standard length or for fewer instruments".
The definition was first used in the late 19th century, when the diffusion of the piano as an instrument modified the composition of music ensembles, extending their possibilities.
In this period a vast repertoire was written and adapted for small instrumental ensembles, often referred as salon orchestras, which was a major channel for the wide distribution of new and contemporary music.
All these music materials where very cleverly conceived, in order to adapt to different types of ensemble without loosing the quality of the arrangements, which could be executed by three or fifteen musician using the same material.
The Sinfonietta Ensemble Project has the purpose to re-create this type of diffusion by collecting existing material, creating new scores for a wider range of musical genres, and promoting the creation of a number of ensembles which share the same material to a wider public base than a single ensemble could reach.